Baby not latching? Sore nipples? Low milk supply? Just need some help getting breastfeeding off to a good start? Going back to work and have questions about pumping?
We offer professional lactation support in Lexington, KY & the surrounding communities to help you meet your breastfeeding goals. We offer both in-person home visits, virtual consults (telehealth) and phone consults with the following topics:
preparation for breastfeeding (prenatal)
breastfeeding challenges (postpartum)
bottle refusal, breast pumps and back to work (postpartum)
Full assessments to include observation of a full feeding, assistance with latching, provision of helpful adjustments, assessment of oral motor function and creation of a personalized lactation care plan that supports your feeding goals. In addition, this initial visit will include a report for your primary care provider and email or call follow-up for additional questions.
This service can be scheduled in our private office or in the comfort of your own home. All supplies are provided for either location. You should expect to spend 1-1.5 hours with Jessica for this session.
Additional fees for travel outside of Lexington.